Inspired by the classical ideals of balance,
our four pillars nurture the development of the whole child.

Acknowledging God’s authorship of all creation, and His great desire to be in friendship with each person, SVDP nurtures the spiritual life of students and faculty. Opportunities for authentic encounters with Christ are abundant in our days, from daily prayers to weekly mass to stewarding our environment to serving our community. Through thoughts, words, and actions, students are learning to discern virtue and goodness.
At SVDP, students understand that intellectual power sets human beings apart from all other earthly creatures. Human dignity rests upon developing and refining the intellectual virtues of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. Academic excellence, often overly emphasized through test scores, should be equally understood to originate in the pursuit of wonder that is characterized by curiosity and persistence. At SVDP, full intellectual development culminates in wisdom, which bestows the ability to live well, making good use of our given free will to exercise virtuous choices.
As social beings, humans find personal development and fulfillment in a joyful community where they feel they belong. At SVDP, everybody belongs and has a gift to share to make our school family as wonderfully made as we are individually. Social-emotional maturity is essential to contributing to a healthy community and is developed in stages at SVDP throughout childhood and young adult years. In a multitude of ways, SVDP students learn how to navigate peer and adult relationships and, through the confidence and security they gain in each, become generous contributors to a community within their classrooms, our school, and ultimately, our society.
Physical life is the corporeal manifestation of the human soul and is worthy of conscious respect and care. At SVDP, students are encouraged to learn about and nurture the miracle that is the human body, beautifully made by God. Through rigorous PE classes, to teachings from the Theology of the Body by Pope John Paul II, and our outstanding sports programs, SVDP is committed to the formation of good physical health.