Uniform Sale:
Date: Saturday, August 17, 2019
Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm
Place: SVDP Front Hall & Extended Care Room
Bring: $5 and $10 bills only. Checks not accepted.
We Need Your Uniforms!
How does the Used Uniform Exchange work?
- Parents can either donate or try to sell SVDP uniforms two times each year at our fall and spring uniform exchange
To Donate:
- Drop off any clean uniforms in good condition at SVDP’s Front Desk marked “Donation” and you’re done!
To Sell:
- Please pin an envelope or baggie to each item with:
- your last name
- item size
- All shirts & shorts are sold for $5; all pants, plaids and sweatshirts sell for $10.
- The items can be dropped off at the front desk during normal business hours.
- If your items are sold during a sale, you will receive your proceeds through kid mail the following week. If items don’t sell, SVDP stores the extras in the bins and you’ve got another chance the next time. However, once your children are no longer attending the school, the clothing is considered a donation to SVdP.
- Please pin an envelope or baggie to each item with:
Got questions or want to get involved with the sales? We always need volunteers. Please contact Julie Smith at jkzdenver@comcast.net or Jeanne Desautels at jmdesautels@gmail.com.
Note: Items with the SVDP logo cannot be donated to Goodwill, ARC or other type organizations.