Fall Open House, School Spirit, and YOUR Feedback
Tell your friends and neighbors! It’s the SVDP Fall Open House: Wednesday, October 24, 8:30-10:30. This is a perfect time for prospective families to learn more about our school, talk with faculty and staff and parents, and take a tour. Look for our social media posts next week and please share widely.
Help spread the good word about SVDP by signing up for a free yard sign and car magnet. If you received one last year but need a new one or just a new stake, we have you covered!
If you have a moment to provide the Marketing and Communications Committee with feedback, we’d be grateful.
Finally, please follow SVDP on Facebook @SVDPCatholic and Instagram @SVDPDenver.
We look forward to chatting about your ideas anytime.
Update on Paddle Raiser 2018:
Cafeteria Makeover & Capital Project
Once again, on behalf of the children who use the cafeteria every day, and who use the bathrooms at lunch, during PE, and for after school athletics, THANK YOU for your generous outpouring at the gala for our Paddle Raiser Project. We were able to accomplish more than originally imagined when we began to put the project together. A very special thanks to Dan and Ann Hackett for their architectural design work, and the Joe and Angela Powers of Powers Construction, who executed the project. The cafeteria was in desperate need of a makeover and the students have expressed enthusiastic appreciation that it got the attention it needed. In similar vein, the dilapidated bathrooms, which were originally slated for a cosmetic makeover, were able to become a capital project because of the overwhelming generosity toward this project. Instead of the cosmetic repairs, we were able to completely rebuild from floor to ceiling, with new low-volume flush toilets, automatic air faucets/dryers, new stalls & dividers, LED lights, and tiled walls. Additionally, age-old and unsolved problems were brought to light and resolved. The daily, mysterious leaks which traveled between upper and lower bathrooms was fixed, and a severely clogged sewer line, traveling through the building and into the street that constantly needed to be snaked, was discovered and properly repaired.
In total, the paddle raiser raised $137,000 the night of the gala. $111,000 was spent for the capital project and cafeteria. $17,000 was spent for purchase/shipping of student tables. One donor requested that their $10,000 donation be re-allocated for a different need at the school since we met and exceeded our project goal. This completes the use of funds for the paddle raiser, all of which were spent on the designated purpose. If you have further questions, please contact Sister Dominic. Again, thank you for generously funding this capital improvement project!
Office of Catholic Schools Newsletter from the Archdiocese
2018.10.3 Catholic Schools Office Newsletter
Parent Teacher Conferences for Grades K-5
Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on October 11th and 12th. Please register to meet with your child’s teacher via the Option C program. Click on the “Office”tab and go to “Teacher Conferences,” you will be able to select a conference time to meet with the teacher.
Eagle Scout Project Completed at Church
Thanks to Sean Wallace, alum of SVDP School and Eagle Scout candidate, our entry into the church on the west side has been more beautifully landscaped. Sean prepared for the project beginning last spring, asking for the pastor’s input and meeting with the facilities team. He crafted a plan, fundraised for the landscape needs, and then spent two consecutive Saturdays with his scout team, pulling out old bushes, which were in bad shape, and replacing with new sod and plants, giving the practical advantage of greater visibility around the entrance, and making it much more attractive. Well done!
Fall Weather = Full Lost & Found Bin
Sweatshirts on chilly mornings are shed on warm afternoons! Please check the lost and found bin regularly if you are missing clothing items. Please also mark your child’s clothing clearly so that, if possible, we can avoid donating it to the thrift shop.
Service & Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers needed for Scholastic Book Fair
We are looking for volunteers for this year’s Scholastic Book Fair. Time slots vary from 45 minutes to 2 hours. Please consider helping as this fundraiser helps to build our library collection and foster an excitement for reading in our students. Please contact Mrs. Edmonds with any questions at Sign up here
Winter Coat, Shoe Drive
Thank you for helping us to fill many boxes and several van loads of winter gear for our neighbors. The drive ends Friday, October 5th.
2019 Kentucky Derby Gala
Save the Date: Sat, May 4th at the Cable Center (DU) 5pm
Theme: A Night at the Derby, hats off for SVdP!!!
Ladies grab your hats and gents grab your bowties, you won’t want to miss our biggest fundraiser!
Gala Class reps will be planning donation parties in the coming weeks, so be on the lookout for invites and make every effort to attend.
We are looking for someone to help with sponsorship administration. This chair would need to help with tracking down sponsorship payments, logos and the communication efforts with the gala sponsors. Please email Courtney Ranson if you are interested or know someone who would be:
Upcoming Events
SVDP School Safety Presentation – October 9
On Tuesday, October 9th, Mary Cohen will present on preventive and responsive safety features and protocols in place at SVDP School. The same presentation will be given at two different times: 9:00am and 6:00pm.
Father/Daughter Dance – Gala Party – October 19
Interest in attending? Find more information here: Daddy Daughter Dance
Fall Open House – October 24
Tell your friends and neighbors! It’s the SVDP Fall Open House: Wednesday, October 24th from 8:30am-10:30am. This is a perfect time for prospective families to learn more about our school, talk with faculty and staff and parents, and take a tour. Look for our social media posts next week and please share widely.
Trick-or-Treat for a dress down day pass – October 31
Kelly Archer and Laurel Eyer will be on campus after dismissal on Wednesday, October 31st to pass out dress down passes. The passes have the date of November 7th as the designated dress down day. If you have time, please allow your children to trick-or-treat at Kelly & Laurel’s in the school gym. PLEASE be aware of intersections whether you are helping children to cross or driving. Thank you.
Jamba Juice Orders
The link to place your order is now ready, click here. Are you new to ordering? The school code SV402 when you set up your account. Last day to order for this trimester is October 12th at 9 pm. Contact Kay Watson at, if you have any questions. We need parent volunteers to help distribute every Tuesday during lunches, click here. to help.
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