Does your child need a book to read?
Use the link below to log into the SVdP Library’s online catalog. Here, you can put books on hold to be delivered to your child during their library class or view which books your child currently has checked out. To log in, your child should use the same username and password he or she uses to log into Accelerated Reader. Questions? Contact Mrs. Edmonds at
Accelerated Reader Program in 2020-2021
Grades 1-6, 8 are participating in the Accelerated Reader program. We believe that children in our community continue to have access to books, and we can help support you/them when you need ways to get more books. Accelerated Reader is a program that runs alongside a school curriculum to help foster a student’s interests and to develop strong, independent readers. It can be rolled out or implemented in a variety of ways; because we are not having normal library classes, this program will no longer be run through the library or under the coordination of the librarian. Instead, homeroom teachers (or lit teachers fro 6, 8 grades) are running the program in the classroom. Students will receive their trimester goals (number of points associated with amount/level of reading ability) no later than October 1. Many classes have already received their goals. Teachers will do the following to help support the program:
- Communicate the student goal to each student (goals are dependent upon reading ability, largely determined by the STAR assessment)
- Ensure students know how to login to their AR account in order to take an AR quiz (after finishing a book)
- provide time and devices on a regular basis for students to take tests, usually daily opportunity
Home and School sponsors a trimester end event to get prizes for students who meet/exceed their goals. This could be something like the prize wheel, an ice cream bar during lunch, or similar.
Note on Annual Student Pictures
Please know that all class composites will be reprinted with the correct students and class teacher. The photography company had a print/sort error and will be correcting this information. Sorry about the inconvenience. Retake day is October 21st, if you would like to have your child’s picture retaken.
Milk Order for 2020-2021 School Year:
Milk will be purchased through Meadow Gold once for the entire 2020-2021 school year. Orders must be submitted by the end of the business day on September 25th. Late orders will not be accepted. Please see section #4 on the milk order form for pricing and payment information. Joyce Haberkorn has also included payment information below.
If you would like to place a milk order for the entire school year, click here for the Google Form and indicate your order.
Did you order milk for your student?
Is your student in extended day (after school) care?
Watch for an Incidental Billing through FACTS coming this week. Questions? Please email Thank you!
Volunteer Registration Information
Home and School
Room Parent, SVdP Serves and Gala Class Rep – Click here to sign up for Room Parent, SVdP Serves and Gala Class Rep! The deadline to sign up is Tuesday, September 22nd. We will have a Virtual Room Parent Meeting on September 25th at 9am.
Lunch Duty/Recess Volunteers:
Thank you to all the people that have signed up to volunteer for Lunch & Recess Duty. The teachers LOVE it! However, we still have a few open spots left that need to be filled. Let’s give all the teachers a chance to catch a break, and fill all the spots! Click here to sign up.
Note to lunch/recess volunteers: The schedule is on the front door. You just go to your location. The teacher you are relieving will be there at your location and will give you any info you need to know. Thank you so much for committing to the same day
SVDP Fall Raffle Tickets – Due Now!
Thank you to everyone who has already sold their tickets. The State requires us to account for each and every ticket that was distributed so to avoid being contacted directly by Gina, please be sure to turn in all tickets, even if they were not sold. Please turn in all your tickets to the Front Office or send them in with your student.
Please reach out to Fall Raffle Chair, Gina Sawyer, with any questions: and thank you for your support
If you missed Septembers Home and School September Newsletter, click here.Coat and Boot Drive October 5-15th
Are you ready to clean out your closets, mud room, and storage space??? It’s almost time to help our neighbors in need by donating used or new coats and boots. Look for our bins by the flag pole at drop-off and pick-up in early October. Please bag your items into 4 categories: children age 0-5, children age 6-12, women, and men. SVDP Serves will distribute the donations to Gabriel House, Marisol Home, Samaritan House and Denver Rescue Mission. Thank you in advance for your support and generosity!
Day of Blessing
Mark your calendars! Father Hilton will be blessing our school on October 5th at 2:20 pm. Then after school at 3:20 pm in the St Vincent de Paul Church Circle Drive, Father Hilton will be doing a pet blessing.