Friday Forecast :: June 1, 2018: we made it!

Note: The Friday Forecast posts will take the place of news and announcements that had formerly been sent in the Crusader Connection.  If you are working on a project on behalf of the school and would like to have something posted in this primary information location, email  Deadline for submissions each week is Wednesday…

Clapout for Mrs. McPherson’s last day before retirement

  Mrs. McPherson retired at the end of the 2017-2018 school year after dedicating 20 years of her professional life teaching in Catholic Schools.  Teaching has been a vocation for her with the ultimate goal being the intentional formation of the whole child: intellectual, physical, social-emotional, and spiritual development.  Each year her classroom was transformed…

Class of 2018

  Congratulations to our graduates! On Friday evening, families celebrated with Mass, graduation, and SVDP’s 90 year cotillion tradition. Graduates will attend Regis, Mullen, Machebeuf, Colorado Academy, South, St. Mary’s, Cherry Creek, Arapahoe, Littleton, and East. We wish them well on the next stage of their journey.  Dear parents of our graduates, thank you for your partnership…

2018 Volleyball Champs

Congratulations to our champions!  The varsity girls division one volleyball team won first place in the CSAL 2018 season. Thank you to Mr. Capra who coached our winning team this season, and to Mrs. Ferneau who assisted.

Letter from the Principal

Dear Parents and Friends of SVDP School, This weekend another round of glorious sacramental graces will be poured out on the children and families in our community as our third, fourth, and fifth grade students are confirmed today.  In this sacrament, we are sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit – the gift of…

Summer 2018 Information

  The Summer 2018 Post will be available all summer and will house information relevant to summer activities and announcements Calendar Note Changes for next year: October 26, January 18, not May 24 Holy Hour through the Summer Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00pm come to Holy Hour and spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.  Childcare…

Friday Forecast :: May 4, 2018

Note: The Friday Forecast posts will take the place of news and announcements that had formerly been sent in the Crusader Connection.  If you are working on a project on behalf of the school and would like to have something posted in this primary information location, email  Deadline for submissions each week is Wednesday…

Letter from the Principal

Dear Parents and Friends of SVDP School, A HUGE thank you to all of our families who supported and participated in the 2018 Gala which was a success beyond all expectation.  I am so grateful to Kelly McFadden and Stephanie Carreira who said it was time to take us to a new venue to have…

Friday Forecast :: April 27, 2018

Noteworthy Dates: April 27: 8th Grade Volleyball Night April 28: First Holy Communion at 10:00am Mass May 3: May Crowning at 9:00 am School Mass May 4: Spring BBQ 5pm-8pm*** Please see volunteer sign up genius below*** May 11: No School; Teacher Inservice Day May 14: Bookies Book Fair – customers associated with SVDP, %…

Paddle Raiser Updates

Dear Parents and Friends of SVDP School, We are a week away from the night of oft he 2018 Great Expectations Gala. I hope you are ready to have a marvelous, mountain-fabulous time on this evening!  Prior to the night of the gala, I would like to share with you the anticipated 2018 Paddle Raiser,…