Friday Forecast – March 31st

ANNOUNCEMENTS • UPCOMING EVENTS • NOTEWORTHY ITEMS OF INTEREST  Announcements A note from Sister Marie Isaac, OP Dear School Parents, I have been thinking and praying for all of you especially this week.  I am grateful for your notes and calls, which shows what an invested and supportive community we have here at St. Vincent…

Friday Forecast – March 24th

ANNOUNCEMENTS • UPCOMING EVENTS • NOTEWORTHY ITEMS OF INTEREST  Announcements A note from Sister Marie Isaac, OP I wish you all a wonderful weekend! This time of year is very busy, but we are looking forward to so many special community events. Please pray for our 2nd graders who are making their 1st Confessions this…

Friday Forecast – March 17th

ANNOUNCEMENTS • UPCOMING EVENTS • NOTEWORTHY ITEMS OF INTEREST  Announcements A note from Sister Marie Isaac, OP It will be good to be back to school next week! I pray your families had some good family time during Spring break. We have just a few short weeks before Easter. This Sunday is the 4th Sunday…

Friday Forecast – March 10th

ANNOUNCEMENTS • UPCOMING EVENTS • NOTEWORTHY ITEMS OF INTEREST  Announcements A note from Sister Marie Isaac, OP We’ve made it to Spring break! It’s hard to believe that we are now in the last third of the school year. I hope you have a peaceful break. We’ll see everyone back on Monday, March 20. Today…

Friday Forecast – March 3rd

ANNOUNCEMENTS • UPCOMING EVENTS • NOTEWORTHY ITEMS OF INTEREST  Announcements A note from Sister Marie Isaac, OP A note of gratitude: Thank you, Tom Thomason! Mr. Thomason has been a supportive part of our Extended Care program this year as well as in the years before COVID.  Mr. Thomason recently let me know that he…

Friday Forecast – February 24th

ANNOUNCEMENTS • UPCOMING EVENTS • NOTEWORTHY ITEMS OF INTEREST  Announcements A note from Sister Marie Isaac, OP There’s a lot to read below! Know of my prayers for you and your family. __________________________________________________________________________________________ SVdP – Important Dates February 25th – Used Uniform Sale – 10 am – Noon February 27th – Marc 2nd – St.…

Friday Forecast – February 3rd

ANNOUNCEMENTS • UPCOMING EVENTS • NOTEWORTHY ITEMS OF INTEREST  Announcements A note from Sister Marie Isaac, OP: We had a wonderful Catholic Schools Week! It all wrapped up with some friendly competition on the volleyball court between the faculty/staff and the 8th grade girls followed by the 8th grade boys exhibiting their basketball skills in…

Friday Forecast – January 27th

ANNOUNCEMENTS • UPCOMING EVENTS • NOTEWORTHY ITEMS OF INTEREST  Announcements A note from Sister Marie Isaac, OP: Re-registration for next year is going great! If you need to finish up your enrollment packet on FACTS, please do that as soon as you can. The link for new families to start applying for next year will…