Friday Forecast February 4th

ANNOUNCEMENTS • UPCOMING EVENTS • NOTEWORTHY ITEMS OF INTEREST  Announcements Change in Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Parents, please note a change in the DRAFT calendar for 2022-2023.  We have been asked by the Archdiocese to add a professional development day December 8 and/or 9th, so there will be no school on one or both of these…


Friday Forecast January 28

ANNOUNCEMENTS • UPCOMING EVENTS • NOTEWORTHY ITEMS OF INTEREST  Announcements Tuition Assistance Saint Vincent de Paul School is blessed to receive support from several sources in order to provide tuition assistance to those families who request the assistance. More detailed information will follow, but at this time, we encourage you to complete your 2021 tax…


Friday Forecast January 21

ANNOUNCEMENTS • UPCOMING EVENTS • NOTEWORTHY ITEMS OF INTEREST  Announcements Winter Open House SVDP Families! Our Winter Open House is quickly approaching — please encourage and invite your friends to sign up to tour our school on February 1st! You can help us warmly welcome prospective families by contributing home-baked goods and more. Thank you…


Friday Forecast January 14

ANNOUNCEMENTS • UPCOMING EVENTS • NOTEWORTHY ITEMS OF INTEREST  Announcements Gofundme for the Watson family – Last Call Some of the parents in the 8th grade have helped to establish a gofundme project for the Watson family, specifically Mr. Watson’s daughter, Aoife and her mom.  Please see the link below if you would like to…


Friday Forecast January 7

ANNOUNCEMENTS • UPCOMING EVENTS • NOTEWORTHY ITEMS OF INTEREST  Announcements COVID Update Based on news about the Omicron variant, we anticipate that we will see some spread of the virus in the community, especially in the coming weeks.  We have had a handful of cases this week, but have not seen spread within the school…


Friday Forecast December 17th

ANNOUNCEMENTS • UPCOMING EVENTS • NOTEWORTHY ITEMS OF INTEREST  Announcements Parental Controls for New Devices Are you gifting new devices to your children for Christmas this year? Check out this article from Common Sense Media on how to set up good filters and parental controls for these gifts! Athletics/CSAL Basketball Tournament Update This year’s 3v3 basketball…


Friday Forecast December 10th

ANNOUNCEMENTS • UPCOMING EVENTS • NOTEWORTHY ITEMS OF INTEREST  Announcements Christmas Caroling Opportunity SVdP families are cordially invited to join together for caroling on Thursday, December 16 at 5:00pm! We will travel the neighborhood and bring the joy of the message of Christ’s birth to others by singing the songs of the season! Note that this…


Friday Forecast December 3rd

ANNOUNCEMENTS • UPCOMING EVENTS • NOTEWORTHY ITEMS OF INTEREST  Announcements December 8 – School Mass for the Immaculate Conception The all school Mass next week is moved to Wednesday, December 8 in celebration of the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.  Parents are always invited to attend.  School Masses usually begin at 8:10 once children are seated.…


Friday Forecast November 19th

ANNOUNCEMENTS • UPCOMING EVENTS • NOTEWORTHY ITEMS OF INTEREST  Announcements Trimester Report Cards Trimester 1 ended on Wednesday, November 17th.  Trimester grades will be made available online through FACTS at noon on Wednesday, November 24th. Volunteer Opportunity for SVDP Serves on Wednesday November 24 On Wednesday, November 24th from 9:15 – 10:45, SVdP Serves will…
