Friday Forecast :: July 13, 2018

  The Summer 2018 Post will be available all summer and will house information relevant to summer activities and announcements Congratulation Yourself on a Good Decision!  Studies Published on Benefits of Catholic Education May 2018 publication of two national studies showing the statistically significant benefits of Catholic education. The Catholic school environment is more conducive…


Friday Forecast :: May 25, 2018

Note: The Friday Forecast posts will take the place of news and announcements that had formerly been sent in the Crusader Connection.  If you are working on a project on behalf of the school and would like to have something posted in this primary information location, email  Deadline for submissions each week is Wednesday…


Summer 2018 Information

  The Summer 2018 Post will be available all summer and will house information relevant to summer activities and announcements Calendar Note Changes for next year: October 26, January 18, not May 24 Holy Hour through the Summer Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00pm come to Holy Hour and spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.  Childcare…


Friday Forecast :: May 11, 2018

Note: The Friday Forecast posts will take the place of news and announcements that had formerly been sent in the Crusader Connection.  If you are working on a project on behalf of the school and would like to have something posted in this primary information location, email  Deadline for submissions each week is Wednesday…


Friday Forecast :: May 4, 2018

Note: The Friday Forecast posts will take the place of news and announcements that had formerly been sent in the Crusader Connection.  If you are working on a project on behalf of the school and would like to have something posted in this primary information location, email  Deadline for submissions each week is Wednesday…
