By God’s great design, parents are the primary educators of their children, and their home is the first school a child enters. SVDP School partners with parents in the education and formation of their children. From a carefully designed environment to intentional application of the curriculum, we strive to awaken the sense of wonder which engages the child’s natural desire to learn by attracting his attention to what is true, good, and beautiful.

A fully human education leads to wisdom of life which trains and inspires someone to live well both in one’s own personal life, and in the community.

Service comes from a grateful heart which recognizes what one has received, and desires to pay it forward. Students have daily spontaneous opportunities in the classroom and robust touchpoints of service in the wider community at every grade level. A heart transformed has learned how to transform the world.

Having grown up in this fertile ground, students discover that they each have a unique vocation in Jesus Christ deeply relevant to themselves and to the world. Graduates from SVDP are empowered by their formation to engage the culture with the light of Christ, on their journey to becoming saints.